On 8/1/07, Eric Noulard wrote:
> 2007/8/1, Eric Noulard :
> > 2007/7/31, Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva :
> > I have somes remarks:
> >
> > 1) The referred sources for the build are a cvs checkout
> >    but they do not appear as such in Eclipse,
> >    i.e. the Team menu is not enabled. :((
> >   May be the CVS Eclipse plugin did not automagically
> >   discover this fact because not all the project structure
> >   is handled by CVS but only the link resource refering
> >   to the source tree.
> >
> >   I've tried to "manually" activate Team menu on this
> >   particular folder but I am still unable to do it without
> >   "Sharing" the whole project which is definitely not what
> >   I want since the build tree should not be handle by CVS.
> I did ask a question about this issue on the eclipse-cvs ML:
> http://dev.eclipse.org/mhonarc/lists/platform-cvs-dev/msg00452.html

Keep me posted on this, please. I'm not subscribed to that list,
although I am to the cdt-dev one.

> > 3) There seems to be a spurious binary named a.out
> >     which is discovered the file is:
> >     Build_tsp_generated/CMakeFiles/CompilerIdC/a.out
> <storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.pathentry">
> <pathentry kind="src" path="TSP"/>
> <pathentry excluding="TSP/|CMakeFiles/" kind="out" path=""/>

Yes, this sounds good I'll apply this addition.

> Another remark I would like to add is the fact that
> in the "Make Target" list the "default" all target does not appear
> may be because it is not listed by the loop you use:
> for(cmTargets::const_iterator t = targets.begin(); t != targets.end(); ++t)
> I think it may be useful to add it since it enables the all build
> on one click just as "Ctrl-B" does.
> May be clean may be useful too.

Yes, neither 'all' nor 'clean' are listed there... but I'll add a
check for these two and add them outside the loop. I was thinking of
adding them... I hesitated because they were available through the
Ctrl-B shortcut and the menu items.

> One question pops-up to my mind.
> CMake may be invoked by make (when a CMakeLists.txt changes)
> thus the .project and .cproject will be regenerated.
> How Eclipse/CDT will behave when its projects files are modified
> "behind the wall"?
> I did some tests and it seems that a simple refresh is OK
> but it may be worth examining this more accuratly.

So far, it seems ok. But I have encountered weird cases where auto
completion stops working correctly or other non-sense like that.
However, I'm running this in a laptop with 512 MB of RAM and I have to
say that for all the nice features that Eclipse has it is definitely a
memory hog, no doubt!

So, some of these I figure is part of the stalling I get due to the
low resources.

> --
> Erk

Thanks again for the report,

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