2007/8/1, Alexander Neundorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wednesday 01 August 2007 07:56, Miguel A. Figueroa-Villanueva wrote:
> > On 8/1/07, Eric Noulard wrote:
> ...
> > >   I've tried to "manually" activate Team menu on this
> > >   particular folder but I am still unable to do it without
> > >   "Sharing" the whole project which is definitely not what
> > >   I want since the build tree should not be handle by CVS.
> >
> > I haven't used these features of Eclipse... If you can manually set it
> > as you would like then send me the .project/.cproject so that I can
> > inspect them and maybe find a way to handle it correctly.
> In the kdevelop generator I test if there is a CVS/ or .svn/ subdirectory and
> if so enable the appropriate plugin.

This is a good choice and behavior but it seems to be incompatible
with the Eclipse Team architecture design as stated by the answer I've just
received from platform-cvs-dev ML:

The Eclipse Team architecture requires that projects be shared from
the project root. The only workaround I can suggest is to improt the
lined folder as a top level project as well. You should then be able
to perform CVS operations on the top level project.


I will think if we can hack something regarding this Eclipse Team restriction,
I will file a feature wish on platform-cvs-dev as well
refering to the current CMake Eclipse CDT work as a motivation.

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