2007/9/29, Fredrik Hultin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Setting the architecture CMakeLists.txt is a rather crude solution in
> As mentioned earlier I changed my CPackDeb.cmake file to do this by
> itself instead.

You are perfectly right this is the way to go for this issue.
For this kind of "already exist" file or feature patch
you should go to CMake bug tracker, file a bug/improvement
and attach your patch to the bug.

> Regarding the generator specific options, perhaps the base class for
> the generators could have something like registerPrefix("DEBIAN") ?

This is a possibility.
Personnally I was thinking of something more "automatic" like
the Generic Packager class
may scan the module path for files like:


as soon as it has found such a file he would
registerPrefix("<GeneratorName>") or
load the file and look for
CPACK_REGISTER_PREFIX value from that file.

I would like to push as much code in CMake macro file
as possible, since when this is done, one can maintain/create
a generator without even recompiling CMake.

> I'm new to cmake and this mailing list, where would I send suggestions
> and patches?

I am no CMake "official" developer but as far as I understand
you should file a bug/feature request on the tracker and attach your
bug to the tracker.

I _personnally_ find it useful to discuss the patch/bug/feature on the list
before going on the tracker.

CMake maintainer/developers should correct me if I'm wrong.

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