On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 8:06 AM, Michael Jackson <mike.jack...@bluequartz.net
> wrote:

> This probably isn't the best solution but until CMake fixes the bug and
> includes the updated FindHDF5.cmake file in the next or future release this
> is what you have to do:
> Copy the FindHDF5.cmake file from the current CMake distribution that you
> are using and place it somewhere in your project folder, say
> ${PROJECT_ROOT}/Resources/CMake/Modules.
> Then in your CMakeLists.txt file use the following line somewhere BEFORE
> you start looking for your libraries:
> set (CMAKE_MODULES_DIR ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Resources/CMake/Modules
> Now, edit the FindHDF5.cmake file (the one that you copied into your
> project) to remove the offending lines/fix the bug. The above line will
> effectively substitute your corrected version for the one that ships with
> cmake. When CMake has a release where the bug is fixed then you can remove
> this workaround.
> If your fix is general enough attach the corrected file to the bug report.
> Cheers.
> ___________________________________________________________
> Mike Jackson                      www.bluequartz.net

Just in case someone else tries this, there was a typo above.  Use the


Also, as per Mike Jackson's suggestion (off-list), the following changes are
necessary in FindHDF5.cmake:

> Line 178:
>  set( HDF5_C_LIBRARY_NAMES_INIT hdf5_hl hdf5 )
> change to
>   set( HDF5_C_LIBRARY_NAMES_INIT hdf5 )

This fixed the problem for me.

Many thanks to Mike for the quick fix!

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