I just pulled down the latest source, ran CMake on it, and then ran ccmake to 
view the options available. Mine shows several SPHINX-related options, and 
since SPHINX_EXECUTABLE could not be found, all the other SPHINX options have 
been set to OFF. Can you verify the same on your end? It seems to me that if no 
SPHINX output formats are enabled, then doc generation should be skipped.

Parag Chandra
Technical Lead, Mobile Team
Mobile: +1.919.824.1410

Ionic Security Inc.
1170 Peachtree St. NE STE 400, Atlanta, GA 30309

From: Homero Cardoso de Almeida <homero...@gmail.com>
Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 11:10 AM
To: Parag Chandra <pa...@ionicsecurity.com>, "cmake@cmake.org" <cmake@cmake.org>
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL]: [CMake] FindProtobuf in specified dirs

That did not work. Even though I set the BUILD_DOCUMENTATION flag in the 
debian/rules script, I cannot get it to skip doc build. Or maybe I'm writing in 
the wrong folder, I don't know. :(

Em ter, 25 de out de 2016 às 11:35, Parag Chandra 
<pa...@ionicsecurity.com<mailto:pa...@ionicsecurity.com>> escreveu:
This is a shot in the dark, but if I remember correctly, building CMake 
requires a separate version of CMake in order to bootstrap itself. So when you 
run ccmake (or cmake-gui) to configure the new version of CMake you’re trying 
to build, there might be some Boolean option in there that will disable doc 
generation completely.

Parag Chandra
Technical Lead, Mobile Team
Mobile: +1.919.824.1410<tel:+1%20919-824-1410>

Ionic Security Inc.
1170 Peachtree St. NE STE 400, Atlanta, GA 30309

From: Homero Cardoso de Almeida 
Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 9:28 AM

To: Parag Chandra <pa...@ionicsecurity.com<mailto:pa...@ionicsecurity.com>>, 
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL]: [CMake] FindProtobuf in specified dirs

Actually, I'm trying to compile cmake 3.0.2 now.

I did exactly that for protobuffers, and it compiled file. It's just the 
package config file that still requires 2.8.12 and I'm not sure of the 
consequences of changing that. So I'm trying to build 3.0.2 on squeeze now, and 
having a hard time building the docs because of sphinx. If I could skip the 
docs, that would be fantastic.


Em ter, 25 de out de 2016 às 11:23, Parag Chandra 
<pa...@ionicsecurity.com<mailto:pa...@ionicsecurity.com>> escreveu:
I actually haven’t ever tried to build protobuffers myself, so I can’t comment 
on its doc generation or sphinx dependency. Sorry if this seems obvious, but 
have you tried modifying protobuffer’s CMakeLists.txt file so that it uses the 
same 2.8.9 CMake you are using? 2.8.12 may not be that far off from 2.8.9; it 
just might be the version of CMake they happened to download at the time, 
rather than a hard requirement on it.

Parag Chandra
Technical Lead, Mobile Team
Mobile: +1.919.824.1410<tel:+1%20919-824-1410>

Ionic Security Inc.
1170 Peachtree St. NE STE 400, Atlanta, GA 30309

From: Homero Cardoso de Almeida 
Date: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 8:06 AM
To: Parag Chandra <pa...@ionicsecurity.com<mailto:pa...@ionicsecurity.com>>, 
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL]: [CMake] FindProtobuf in specified dirs

Thanks for your help.

I was able to download and compile protobuffers 2.7 using cmake, however the 
cmake config for protobuffers is fixed for 2.8.12, while I need it to work with 
cmake 2.8.9 as it's going to run in system frozen in Debian Squeeze (Squeeze 
actually defaults on cmake 2.8.2 and I got it to install 2.8.9 from Wheezy).

Currently I'm trying to create a debian package from cmake 3.0.2 on squeeze, 
but I'm having a hard time due to dependencies on sphinx. Do you have any ideas 
on how to circumvent the doc generation?

Thanks and regards,

Em qui, 20 de out de 2016 às 17:05, Parag Chandra 
<pa...@ionicsecurity.com<mailto:pa...@ionicsecurity.com>> escreveu:
I believe the protobuf-config.cmake.in<http://protobuf-config.cmake.in> 
generates a protobuf-config.cmake file once you actually use CMake to build 
protobuf itself.

Parag Chandra
Technical Lead, Mobile Team
Mobile: +1.919.824.1410<tel:+1%20919-824-1410>

Ionic Security Inc.
1170 Peachtree St. NE STE 400, Atlanta, GA 30309

From: CMake <cmake-boun...@cmake.org<mailto:cmake-boun...@cmake.org>> on behalf 
of Homero Cardoso de Almeida <homero...@gmail.com<mailto:homero...@gmail.com>>
Date: Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 2:56 PM
To: "cmake@cmake.org<mailto:cmake@cmake.org>" 
Subject: [EXTERNAL]: [CMake] FindProtobuf in specified dirs


I'm working on enhancing the build process in my company by using CMake, and 
I'm having trouble to have it find the Google Protocol Buffers binary and 
libraries in a specific directory in my workspace.

Due to several reasons, we cannot install protobuffers directly in our 
environment, so I have it download and unpack a zip file with the protobuffer 
library and header files in a directory in my home folder. However, when I use 
the find_package directive giving said folder as a hint it complains that it 
could not find a protobuf-config.cmake file and fails. I couldn't find any such 
file anywhere, the only thing coming close is a 
"protobuf-config.cmake.in<http://protobuf-config.cmake.in>" in the protobuf 
source tree and I don't know if I can use that.

Do I have to provide my own protobuf-config.cmake file, or I'm using it 
completely wrong?

We are frozen in protocol buffers 2.4.1. I guess we can upgrade to 2.7.0, but 
we can't use 3.0.x.


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