
Has anyone any experience with Mambo?  I'm just building a site for someone
now using Mambo, but I can't find any templates that use valid markup and I
can't find one Mambo site that validates, including mambo designers and
template sites, but still looking.

Has anyone used it and built their own templates (which I'm thinking of
doing).  But before I go any further, has anyone hit dead ends with it?

I tried to use Drupal, but it's not up to scratch.  I've looked at
TextPattern briefly, but it seems like a pretty cut down and basic CMS,
which is an assumption on my part because there is little or no
documentation.  I do need something that is standards compliant, or can be
configured that way pretty easily.

Plone is poorly designed if you want to reskin it.  It's a pain.  But
there's also a lot I like (and dislike) about it.

What are others using?


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