It has been a few years since I was last subscribed to this list, it is great 
to see that it is still operating - thanks Stu. I have a '75 C&C33-1 and I 
would like to fabricate a stainless steel plate/roller to fit over the aluminum 
nose piece at the pointy end of the boat. I have reviewed the bow roller 
examples at the C&CPhotoAlbum site for ideas. I want a roller that I can carry, 
deploy, and raise the anchor from. I have a Fortress FX-16 (not too heavy) and 
based on a mock-up I made the starboard side of this fabricated plate would 
only need to extend a couple inches past the edge of the nose casting and a 
couple of inches beyond the forward edge to keep the anchor from hitting the 
hull. My idea was then to either weld on a commercially available roller 
designed for the Fortress/Danforth or to have the channel and roller fabricated 
from scratch as part of the plate. I was planing on attaching the plate to the 
aluminum nose casting with maybe 6 suitable machines screws forward of the 
metal fairleds/chocks that came standard. My yard's very talented stainless 
fabricator spent some time examining the boat and in the end decided that it 
would be unwise/unsafe to drill and tap holes into that casting to support a 
roller - declining the work. He was worried that it could not take the strain 
and there could be an accident. 
Looking around the yard I have seen a lot of pretty cheesy bow rollers 
fabricated and mounted on the front of boats, and they look like they have been 
there for years. Does anyone on the list have experience with one of these 
retrofitted bow rollers on a C&C of this vintage and style? Any problems or 
failures? There was a yard in Ontario that used to make them. I had spoken with 
them 7-8 years ago and they said they still had the templates and could make me 
one. The price scared me off at the time and my back was younger - so I took no 
action. I have since lost the name of that yard and my back is not what it used 
to be. Does anyone know of someone who creates these?


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