Anyone use the epoxy putty for their boats? 2 part putty that you mix together

I was talking to a friend the other day - he was telling me how he wrapped a line around his prop and jammed his strut up into the hull. He discovered a small fountain of water coming in.

He had some of the epoxy putty - squeezed it together to start the reaction and mashed it in around the damaged area - he then held it in place with his hands as it warmed up and cured. 90% of the water stopped - so he mixed up a bit more and was able to stop all the incoming water. Confident enough that he left the boat on a mooring overnight and had it hauled a day or 2 later for repairs.

I'm thinking I should have a couple tubes of this on the boat for emergencies.


BTW - Jamie at Shining Waters Marine did his repair - my friend had nothing but great things to say about the workmanship -- I believe Jamie is C+C lister Mike Amirault's son.


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  - George Santayana


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