The advantages of rod over wire are slightly smaller diameter than conventional 
wire of the same strength (thus slightly less wind resistance) and probably a 
small percentage less weight. I doubt that you would see a significant 
performance improvement on a 35-1, but if you’re racing against other boats 
with rod there might be a certain amount of equalizing the playing field.


The downsides would be cost and the difficulty of conversion. Rod is more 
expensive, needs to be cut and headed to close tolerances, and needs special 
end fittings for attachments at chain plates, mast, and spreader tips. 


A few years ago, I rerigged my 38 and replaced the original, 30+ year old rod 
with Dyform wire. The wire is a scosh larger in diameter than the original rod 
(about 1/16th”) and actually a bit higher in break strength. The mast and 
spreader connection are swaged ball fittings to match the original mast tangs, 
and the connections at the chain plates are Norseman fittings for ease of 
measurement/installation. And the cost of the rerig with Dyform wire was about 
what I was quoted for the removal, shipping, and xray inspection of the old 
wire that was recommended by Navtec.


Be sure you consider Dyform wire as an alternative.


Rick Brass

Washington, NC




From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Glen Eddie 
via CnC-List
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 11:12 PM
To: Russ & Melody via CnC-List <>;
Cc: Glen Eddie <>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Rod rigging


It was for performance. I have wire and am getting it inspected in the spring. 
Just wanted to know if anyone had changed to Rod Rigging for racing.


The bills have started coming in for the year 2018 and have gone up again.  
October will be our fund raising month.  Please consider sending a small 
contribution to help keep this list running.  Use PayPal to send contribution 

All contributions are greatly appreciated!

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