Just finished a sail on Saturday p.m., started the motor and was standing in the cockpit with my back facing the bow when I heard a loud noise, what sounded like a 12 gauge gun go off behind me......felt something hit me in the back, turned around and saw 5 - 6 square pieces of aluminum on the deck and on the cockpit sole.....scared the heck out of me.....for a moment, had no idea what had just happened.

Looked up to check things aloft and noticed my radar reflector (cylinder shaped) which I had attached to my lower shroud with four (4) zip ties (2 each top and bottom)......had been doing that for a dozen years with no issues....and it was gone....all gone....nothing left attached to the shroud.....not the two black end pieces of the reflector or any of the 4 plastic zip ties.....only thing(s) that remained were 6 pieces of the aluminum from inside the reflector that fell down.....the rest must of went overboard.

I have never heard of this happening, ever......the radar reflector simply exploded.    And it was not full of water which might have expanded because some years ago when I took it off the boat in the Fall, there was a little water in it so I drilled a 3/16" hole in one side which always then became the 'bottom' when attaching to the shroud in the Spring.

Has this ever happened to anyone else?

Can anyone explain how a cylinder type radar reflector can explode like mine did?

Rob Abbott
C&C 32 - 84
Halifax, N.S.


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