On 04/09/2014 10:18 AM, Jörgen Maas wrote:

Sometime ago.. someone started work to overhaul the unit/integration tests, i suppose this work never got finished. Frankly i'm not all that familiar with the current tests and to be honest my time atm is too limited to dive into that subject...

Too "answer" your questions:
1) Merging both test directories seems wise.
2) I don't think there's any real benefit; your reasoning makes sense
3) I suppose this test server is hosted by James. I agree that it should be available to all developers or the test should be changed. 4) Return-codes are an issue with the CLI, so yes output parsing should probably be added
5) Yes

So, If you have an interest in improving Cobblers quality and are willing to step up and improve the test framework i'm all for that.
I'm willing to merge any improvements!

Thanks for the feedback. I have already updated CLI / XML-RPC tests and merged both tests directories. I will rebase that on top of master and submit the patches upstream as soon as I can (probably next few weeks).

I do not know James. He accesses this mailing list often or should I contact him directly to talk about the test server?

Alan Evangelista

cobbler-devel mailing list

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