This commit (afaict, not bisected, as I'm trying to get my server up &
running) broke the web UI. It removed the "<<inherit>>" entry from the
dropdown for systems' kickstarts. The default became "" (added in a
separate commit) -- but then provided no means to set the kickstart as
inherited again.

The simple change below 

--- a/web/cobbler_web/
+++ b/web/cobbler_web/
@@ -1108,6 +1108,7 @@ def generic_edit(request, what=None, obj_name=None, 
     # allow for an empty value in the webui
     kickstart_list = remote.get_kickstart_templates()
+    kickstart_list.append("<<inherit>>")
     # populate some select boxes

got me working again, but seems like a workaround possibly for something
not expexpected.

Just an FYI, these "refactoring" changes seem like they are also
changing functionality -- dunno if that's ideal, it would be nice if the
commits were a bit more split up. But I appreciate all the improvements
I'm seeing!


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