On 06.05.2015 [22:02:27 +0200], J?rgen Maas wrote:
> Hey all,
> We've just released Cobbler version 2.6.8, another minor update in the
> stable 2.6 branch. This is probably the last release in the 2.6 series.
> Please checkout the following resources:
> Release notes:
> http://www.cobblerd.org/manuals/2.6.0/1/1_-_Release_Notes.html
> Downloads: http://www.cobblerd.org/downloads/2.6.x.html

So I noticed today that origin/release28 has been updated significantly
since release (last update was May 29). But origin/master has not been
updated since. Did the wrong branch by any chance get pushed to?

Also, it seems like the cobbler-web repository, which claims to be a
work in progress/broken since it was forked off, has not had any updates
since then. Does it work?

I follow upstream directly on my server by rebasing our local changes
onto it and the fork and the state of origin/master mean I can't really
right now.


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