
On 03.06.2015 [07:27:00 +0200], J?rgen Maas wrote:
> @Nishanth: 28 is based of the 26 branch (weird, i know). Because a lot of
> stuff got removed from master already (eg. sql backends) i wanted another
> major release where we can properly document and deprecate all things that
> were sent to valhalla in master. So our users can better prepare for the
> upcoming changes in 3.0. Also, 28 will be some kind of LTS version for
> users that can not upgrade to 3.0 because of the missing features. And 3.0
> will probably not be entirely compatible (api) with previous versions.

Ah that make sense actually. I just wasnt sure why master hadn't been
updated in so long. But it follows that master28 needed further updates.

> @Nishanth: are your local changes not suitable for upstream? would your
> life be easier if you'd have commit rights?

Well, my intent for rebasing is to send everything I can upstream :)

I feel bad asking for commit rights -- I think I'm ok just being a
contributor, as I don't know want to inadvertently break the code base.

> wrt master: the split (cobbler-web, koan) will be reversed when i find the
> time, i don't mind if someone else beats me to it though ;-)

If it would help to revert the commits, I can contribute to this -- not
sure how clean the revert will be immediately, but I will look.


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