I stopped again today after work to check the shoreline at Clover Basin Res. A 
lot of new arrivals today: 

5 - Long-billed Dowitchers 
2 - Semipalmated Plover 
3- Killdeer 
9 - Least sandpiper 
2 - Cinnamon Teal 
6 - Green-winged Teal 
5 - American Avocet 
2 - Great Blue Heron 

and 2- Mallards 

Next I stopped at Lagerman Res. 

14 - American Avocet 
17 - Franklin's Gull 
1 - Clark's Grebe 
and Mike Blatchley emailed me that he also found a Semipalmated Plover on the 
far shore. 

Todd Deininger 
Longmont, CO 

"Only the muddy fox lives" 

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