The majority of the people who responded believe that it was a Blackburnian 
Warbler that I saw. After checking out all the suggestions, it appears to be 
the closest to what I think I saw. The second suggestion that seemed close was 
a male Orchard Oriole - still a definite possibility - but this bird seemed way 
too small compared to the ones I've seen before, and it didn't have as much 
black on its head as I am used to seeing. The amount of black is more like what 
I would expect to see on a Bullock's Oriole, but then again, this bird was way 
too small for that. I keep hoping that I will see it again, but the likelihood 
is not all that great. 

On the bird that I asked about before this, most of the people responding felt 
that it was a female Red Winged blackbird. We have hundreds of Red Wings around 
here each year, so I know what they look like, and while similar to what I saw, 
this is not one of them. My efforts of describing this bird were pitiful and I 
can easily see how my description could lead to a female Red Winged. However, 
the color was all wrong, and the bird was smaller than a female Red Winged. In 
the end, several of you agreed that my initial guess of a female Lark Bunting 
is probably correct. It hung around for about three days, then moved on. During 
that time I was able to get several good views of it. The most identifying 
field mark was the white patch on the wing, similar to what the males have. The 
first time I saw it, the white patch on the wing wasn't that visible from the 
angle I was viewing it from, but it was there. When I tried to describe it, I 
forgot to add that little detail. Probably would have made it a lot easier to 

Thanks everyone! I'm sure I will have more puzzlers in the days ahead. <smile>.

Pauli Smith
  Not much in the unusual today. The Western Kingbirds are back. Still a few 
late White Crowned Sparrows. Last night saw what appeared to be a warbler, but 
I didn't get a really good look. It flew fairly low in front of me from the 
trees along the lake to the large cottonwoods across the road. Lots of orange - 
bright, brick orange on its breast and down, with some black on its head. 
Small, not anywhere near the size of an oriole, more the size of a warbler or a 
small sparrow. The orange really stood out. Any ideas? 

  Pauli Smith Highlandlake - northwest of Mead, Weld.

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