Hi Everyone--

Marcia Marvin and I scoped Chatfield Reservoir from 2 until about 4 this
afternoon 9/11. At one point I counted 5 Sabine's Gulls (1 juv, the rest
adult basic with gray backs), although usually only 2 or 3 were visible. The
adult alternate bird seems to have left, as has the Little Gull. Over at the
Denver Botanic Garden at Chatfield (Deer Creek Road), the riparian trail had
some migrants, including several non-vocalizing wood-pewees, a Say's Phoebe,
a Cassin's Vireo, a Green-tailed Towhee, a Lincoln's Sparrow, a Wilson's
Snipe, and a small hummingbird that looked like a juv Calliope, with short
bill, wings and tail about the same length, grayish tail base (I couldn't
really call it rufous), and white tail tips that were visible when perched.
We heard a Gray Catbird and a Passerina sp. (presumably Lazuli Bunting, but
Indigo also gives that little buzz that makes me want to say "excuse you").

Mark Miller
Longmont, CO

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