Hello, Birders.

Yesterday, Saturday, Sept. 11, was a day of Boulder County errands for Andrew 
and me, but we managed to squeeze in some birding along the way. Here's what we 

1. Greenlee Preserve. Nocturnal migration in the 3am hour was pretty good, as 
we heard flight calls at a rate of better than 120 per hour. Along with the 
usual suspects (Orange-crowned Warbler, Wilson's Warbler, Chipping Sparrow, 
etc.), we heard what I believe were the first White-crowned Sparrows of the 

2. Prince Lake No. 2, Prince Lake No. 1, Panama Reservoir, Ish Reservoir. 
Nothing of particular interest here (a decent smattering of egrets, a few Least 
Sandpipers, many Canada Geese and Aechmophorus grebes...), but I note that 
water levels are down at all of these bodies of water and that they may be 
worth checking out in the weeks ahead.

3. Jim Hamm Reservoir. Too much water, but the trees on the north side of the 
pond held Red-breasted Nuthatch, House Wren, Orange-crowned, MacGillivray's, 
and Wilson's warblers, and White-crowned Sparrow.

4. McIntosh Lake. As Peter Gent noted earlier, the Pacific Loon is still 
present. It was right out in the middle of the lake, seemingly hale and 
healthy. Water is low here, but non-Killdeer shorebirds were non-existent. 
Several more egrets.

5. Boulder Reservoir. As Bill Maynard noted, Andrew and I found a juvenile 
American Golden-Plover here. After we spoke to Bill, the bird flew off, toward 
the north. Options: 1. Maybe it returned to the north and/or west shores of 
Boulder Rez, now extensively and convolutedly covered in mudflats. 2. Maybe it 
went up to Lagerman or somewhere. 3. Maybe it turned around and is on its way 
now to South America.

6. Valmont Reservoir. From the Legion Park overlook, we saw 2 Common Loons and 
a Bald Eagle. Also, there was a Rock Wren in the parking lot, sort of singing.

Practically everywhere, we saw Swainson's Hawks.


Ted Floyd
Editor, Birding

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