           Green heron spotted at Cottonwood Marsh (Walden Ponds) in
Boulder today, right along the boardwalk.
           All the major players are back in Boulder County for the
most part.  Only things I haven't seen yet are poorwills and

A couple interesting things of note:  a yellow breasted chat with a
rich orange throat seen near Gregory Canyon (oriole-orange color).
Web sites mention that this is either a morphological difference or
due to diet.

Chases and fights:
A MacGillvray's warbler hammering a spotted towhee
A Broad tailed hummingbird chasing a blue-gray gnatcatcher
A western tanager bashing another western tanager
A female lazuli bunting pounding a male lazuli bunting
A red winged blackbird harassing a pelican

Highlighst seen in Boulder County on Open Space and Mountain Parks
gray catbird  - mostly Gregory Canyon, but dispersed elsewhere
yellow breasted chat  - dozens - in brushy areas
green tailed towhee - dispersed - several seen
spotted towhee
hammond's flycatcher  - pine forests
cordilleran flycatcher - pine forests
dusky flycatcher - pine forests
say's phoebe
western kingbird
eastern kingbird
black headed grosbeak
western tanager - lots - most in pine forests and "edge" habitat
plumbeous vireo - lots - in pine forests
western wood pewee  - dozens - thoughout Boulder County, especially
upland forests
blue gray gnatcather - lots - brush habitat and pine forests
brewers sparrow
song sparrow
white crowed sparrow
vesper sparrow
bobolink (singing and nesting at Boulder Space Headquarters area) -
house wren - dozens
marsh wren - only one heard at Walden (the two at the boardwalk have
stopped singing)
rock wren
canyon wren
wild turkey - 2 toms up abover Big Bluestem Trail in pine forest
yellow warbler - lots
MacGillvray's warblers - numbers increasing in brushy drainages
virgina's warbler - a few
turkey vulture
red tailed hawk
American kestrel
Swainson's hawk - numbers increasing
cooper's hawk - carrying a prey item
white faced ibis - 75th street
american white pelican - 10 to 15 hanging at Walden
scrub jay - Gregory Canyon
blue jay
stellar's jay
pygmy nuthatch
red breasted nuthatch
white breasted nuthatch
swainson's thrush - in my backyard in Louisville, singing
American thrush (aka: robin) - nesting, carrying food to nests
Townsend's solitaire - 2 nest sites found
brown headed cowbird - everywhere
red crossbill - small flock above Big Bluestem
pine siskin - lots in small flocks
lesser goldfinch - a few staking out territories
american goldfinch - lots of singing now
brown creeper - singing
bullock's oriole - lots - nest building
yellow headed blackbird - Walden \ Sawhills
western meadowlark - songs, fights, chases
virginia rail - Walden \ Sawhills
sora - Walden \ Sawhills
brewers blackbird
western meadowlark

Snakes:  (Oh no!)
northern water snake - Walden - John T
bullsnake  - Marshall Mesa - Jaffe
bullsnake - Gregory Canyon - Reeves
bullsnake - Walden - Zmolek

And flowers blooming:
wild iris - peaking
spring beauty - up higher in ponderosa belt
pasqueflower - still a few left
chokecherry - peaking
hawthorn ssp.  - peaking
wild plum - past peak
golden banner - starting to peak at lower elevations
mouse-ear chickweed
scorpion plant
water hyacynth
poison ivy
weth bisquitroot
wiskbroom parsley
sand lilly - late, peaking
spiderwort - late, peaking
golden current
red current - peaking at lowere elevations
false solomseal - just starting
bastard toadflax - just starting, late
yellow toadflax
leafy spurge
meadow salsify
death camus - peaking
larkspur - just starting
mountain lupine - starting
wild geranium
oregon grape (holly grape) - peaking

Rough and rugged hikes at elevation to begin as soon as the snow

John T (Tumasonis),  Louisville

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