We saw the orange variant Scarlet Tanager in Cheyenne Canyon this afternoon; it 
was across the river from the paved parking lot (maybe 0.20 to 0.25 mile 
upstream) the first time we saw it. 
We saw it for some time, answering hikers who were asking us what we were 
looking at, and showing it to them. It was very close to the trail at times, 
feeding a large offspring .
We continued hiking upstream where we saw saw a Red-eyed Vireo, a Virginia's 
Warbler, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, a Plumbeous Vireo and the 
Scarlet Tanager flew right over our heads and alit about 15-20 feet from us, in 
the open. It literally "posed" there for pictures.
We also saw some very fresh bear tracks.
Cecile Lee,

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