Sunday, about 10 AM, on a field trip near Lyons, 17 of us saw 2 sandhill
cranes circling high overhead 1 mile east of Hwy 36 between Boulder and
Lyons, on Hygiene Rd.

While both birds were obviously cranes, and almost certainly Sandhill
Cranes, one bird was at least 35% LARGER than the other.  I understand there
are maybe 6 different subspecies of Lesser Sandhill Crane, and then, of
course, Greater Sandhill Crane, but I found nothing in the literature that
would account for the HUGE size difference.     I would estimate that the
smaller bird was at least 15 inches shorter than the larger, and probably
had a wingspan of at least 12 inches less.   The birds were circling around,
as if interested in coming down, so be alert out there!

Any explanations from the birding masters out there?




Davis - at 6,000 ft. NW of Lyons

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