Good Morning All,

Joe Roller, Rob Raker, and yours truly birded Bear Creek Lake Park ( BCLP) this morning started just after 6:30 A.M.

Highlight of the morning was a washed yellow Northern Waterthrush near the inlet where Turkey Creek enters the lake. We had great looks - it flew from the ground and landed on a horizontal tree branch near the trunk about 4 feet off the ground. When I left about 9, Joe & Rob were trying to figure out how to get the bird to pose in the sunlight rather in the shade of the branches where it was perched. Not sure how that all turned out, but we did have great looks........

We started out the morning by walking the circle from Pelican Point along the lake to where Bear Creek enters the lake, and then back to Fitness Station #1 before going over to the Turkey Creek side.

Pelican Point - one cleanly marked Savannah Sparrow along the willows at the edge of the lake. We also had one mixed flock that included a first winter Townsend's Warbler, Willow Flycatcher, Warbling Vireos, Wilson's and Yellow Warblers along with a band of local Black-capped Chickadees.

While standing on the bank of Bear Creek near the inlet where it enters the lake, we participated in the CATCH & RELEASE Program advocated for the fisherman at BCLP. The three of us were standing on the bank of the creek and a Belted Kingfisher flew over the knob of willows above us and started down toward the creek. It would have taken Joe's hat off if it hadn't veered sharply to miss us. The Kingfisher was as startled as we were and dropped the fish it was carrying at our feet. We dutifully examined the fish (sunfish of some kind - about 4 inches long), found a piece of flesh missing near the tail, then threw it into the creek where it swam away. Rob took some pictures of the fish if someone wants to ID it. The Gray Catbird put in an appearance in this area.

Near Fitness #1 we had a Brewer's Sparrow among the many BC Chickadees and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers feeding in the Rabbitbrush.

Mike Henwood
Jefferson County

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