It's probably euglena, a unicellular, flagellated organism - an algae - 
that has both plant and animal characteristics.  The orange bloom of 
certain species of euglena  is toxic to fish,  I hope this is not the case 
at Hecla b/c if the fish disappear so will the birds.  I'm going to call 
the parks people and ask what they know about it.  

On Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at 7:03:41 PM UTC-6, Ted Floyd wrote:
> Hey, folks. In the go-figure category, many of the ducks at Hecla Pond, 
> Boulder County, have suddenly turned orange. Here are a few photos of mine 
> from the pond (top-bottom, male *bufflehead,* male *ring-necked duck,* 
> female *ring-necked duck,* male *lesser scaup,* female *lesser scaup):*
> [image: 01 orange Buff-m.jpg]
> [image: 02 orange RNDu-m.jpg]
> [image: 03 orange RNDu-f.jpg]
> [image: 04 orange LeSc-m.jpg]
> [image: 04 orange LeSc-m.jpg]
> [image: 05 orange LeSc-f.jpg]
> Even the turtles are getting in on the orange action:
> [image: 06 orange turtle.jpg]
> Other birds of late, some of them orange, some of them not, at the 
> Hecla/Waneka/Greenlee greater ecosystem include *common grackles, wood 
> ducks, killdeers, greater yellowlegses, cinnamon teals, horned grebes,* 
> territorial *Cooper hawks,* nest-building *American bushtits, bald 
> eagles, great horned owls,* a *ruby-crowned kinglet,* an *Audubon 
> warbler, American white pelicans,* plenitudinous *hooded mergansers* 
> gorging themselves on virile crayfish, and an enchanting *Townsend 
> solitaire.*
> Say, on an astronomical note, we have some amazing stuff going on right 
> now. In the morning sky, the planets Jupiter, Saturn (notably bright), and 
> Mars are still in near-conjunction; it was a bit better a few nights ago, 
> but it's still real good. And on the evening of Apr. 3, Venus passes 
> through the Pleiades! It's all viewable while social distancing and 
> sheltering in place.
> Ted Floyd
> Lafayette, Boulder County

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