On Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 9:33 AM, Julia Lawall <julia.law...@lip6.fr> wrote:

>> Coccinelle does a pretty good job at compating parameters into fewer
>> lines, but it's not always aggressive enough.  Is there a tuning
>> parameter I can try?
>     "--max-width", Arg.Set_int Flag_parsing_c.max_width,
>     "  column limit for generated code";

$ spatch --sp-file ~/sw/dev/gpu_drv/chips_a/nv_printf.cocci
--max-width 80 --dir . > /tmp/n.patch
/usr/lib/coccinelle/spatch: unknown option '--max-width'.

$ spatch --version
spatch version 1.0.4 with Python support and with PCRE support

>> -                    "NVGVI: %s(), Null state\n",
>> -                    __FUNCTION__));
>> +        NV_PRINTF(LEVEL_INFO, "%s(), Null state\n",
>> +                  __FUNCTION__);
> In this case, I think it is just leaving __FUNCTION__ where it is.

So what decides when it moves a parameter and when it doesn't?

> Please always send a semantic patch and a .c file if you have a concern
> about something, even if you have sent them before.  Then I can treat the
> problems one by one, and don't have to search around in my mailbox for the
> relevant information.


Attachment: nv_printf.cocci
Description: Binary data

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