> This patch series aims to improve parsing of attributes in C by
> Coccinelle's C parser.

How do you think about to use the wording “in C source code by”?

> These parsing errors were discovered by running a build of Coccinelle's

Would you like to omit the word “These”?

> Coccinelle currently manages attributes similar to comments,

Will this aspect trigger further software development considerations?

> so to explicity state what the attributes are to the C parser,
> a MACROANNOTATION hint was used in Coccinelle's standard.h file.

I find such information suspicious at first glance.
Additional background information from an update step like
“[RFC PATCH 12/25] parsing_c: cpp_token_c: Introduce MACROANNOTATION hint”
might make the proposed data processing approach more reasonable.

> Separate patches will be sent for the above.

I am curious how the software evolution will be continued here.

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