
thanks for your comments! 

I've updated the Feature wiki page. 
The sketch of 'PCI-By Class view' is attached. It needs design, it's purpose is 
to better demonstrate this part of the UI. 

Looking forward to hear you comments. 


----- Original Message -----

> From: "Jeremy Eder" <je...@redhat.com>
> To: "Development discussion for the Cockpit Project"
> <cockpit-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org>
> Sent: Friday, September 9, 2016 1:46:15 PM
> Subject: Re: idea/rfc: device screen in cockpit

> On Fri, Sep 9, 2016 at 6:16 AM, Andreas Nilsson < li...@andreasn.se > wrote:

> > On 2016-09-09 10:47, Marek Libra wrote:

> > > Hi,
> > 

> > > to follow-up this idea, I've created new Wiki page:
> > 
> > > https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/wiki/Feature:-Hardware-Devices
> > 

> > > POC will follow.
> > 

> > Hi!
> > This is a great start!

> > So the goal of the feature is to provide a list of machine devices, but
> > that
> > sounds more like the end result on the screen rather than the user goal.

> ​The user goal at least from my POV would be to associate device(s)​ with a
> specific container (i.e. expose the --device flag that docker already
> provides). This is happening in kubernetes as well:
> https://github.com/kubernetes/features/issues/76

> > I'm missing some bits about what kind of workflows this enables, and for
> > who.

> > What are some situations where you need to know this information? Is it for
> > troubleshooting, for figuring out what replacement hardware to buy? etc.
> > Why
> > does the user want to detatch/reattach a particular device?

> ​I have a container with special requirements -- the application that will
> run needs (exclusive) access to some specialized hardware such as a
> dedicated NIC, HBA, SR-IOV VF, co-processor, GPU, etc.

> For example, to run a high performance database, often NUMA topology comes
> into play. When the PCI controller was moved inside the CPUs a few years
> ago, it means that PCI slots are associated with individual processor
> sockets. We've used this tool to visualize:
> https://www.open-mpi.org/projects/hwloc/

> To run a trading platform application, I need to dedicate an FPGA to an
> application, and I need to know it's NUMA properties.

> Some representation of which processor socket a PCI slot/device is attached
> to would be extremely useful as well in Cockpit (see the picture in the link
> above).
> ​​
> In addition to the data listed in the Data Example, another feature that
> would be extremely useful is to know what module the device uses, and what
> the loaded module options are. Being able to actually manipulate those
> module options and persist that would be really, really cool.​ And for NICs,
> output of ethtool -i eth0 and ethtool eth0, as well as IRQ information
> including any pinning (see /proc/irq/NNN/smp_affinity_list).

> > Some paragraphs about that would be awesome. I usually use made up sysadmin
> > characters, and try to imagine their work scenarios.
> > If you need some inspiration, Aaron Weitekamp wrote some great user
> > stories,
> > their motivations and scenarios for the registry image signatures that
> > really helped him, myself and Stef figure out some of the hard wrinkles of
> > the problem.
> > https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/wiki/Feature:-Visualize-registry-image-signatures
> > It doesn't need to be long like his examples, just a paragraph or two is
> > probably enough.

> > The second part is about the design. Right now it's a bit hard to imagine
> > how
> > it would look, just based on the text.
> > Would it be possible to draw up a rough sketch of how it would look on the
> > screen?

> > Again, thanks for getting this started. Looking forward to the end result!
> > - Andreas
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