Hello Tiago,

Tiago Machado [2017-05-02 20:34 -0300]:
> I'm currently trying to generate an installation file for Raspbian to be
> able to install and use Cockpit to manage our raspberries. I could manage to
> generate the makefiles and build the binaries in one of my slave
> raspberries. I copied the debian folder to my build but when I run
> dpkg-source to build an installable package I receive the following error:
> dpkg-source error can't build with source format '3.0 (quilt)' 

I have a feeling that this is not the complete error message. My suspicion is
that this is followed by an error message like "no upstream tarball found at

A Debian source package is the original upstream tarball plus the debian.tar.xz
with the debian/ folder, plus the .dsc meta file [1]. So you need to copy the
tarball to the parent dir of your source.

If that's not it, please provide the full output of dpkg-buildpackage (or
dpkg-source if you use that directly).

> Is there any other way to build an installable file from the sources ? I
> know that I could use "make install" but would be much easier to replicate
> if I could have an ARM Raspbian installer.

By "installer" do you mean "Debian binary packages"? If so, then you can just
do that with "dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc" to build binary packages, that even
works without the upstream original tarball. However, it's still better to also
have a source package, and it's imperative if you want to publicly distribute
the binaries you built (otherwise it's a GPL license violation).

If by "installer" you mean something else, can you please elaborate?

> Additionally I would like to know if there's any plan already to deliver
> cockpit for Raspbian in the near future.

I just recently got Cockpit into Debian unstable and Ubuntu 17.04 and devel.
The next step is to provide official backports for Debian stable and Ubuntu
LTS, then they will build on all supported architectures. The Debian stable
armh packages should then just work on/for Raspian. If not, we can investigate
what's missing at that time.



[1] You *can* technically build a source package without the original upstream
tarball, but this is untidy, against best practices, and there is zero reason
to do so here.
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