Others have answered with good suggestions for other APIs, but I will point out for the record that you can do it in Cocoa, too, because the file system has a path-based mechanism in which "..namedfork/rsrc" is appended to the path. For example, in Terminal:

$ ls -li Documents//Example.doc
108 -rw-r--r--@ 1 aburgh aburgh 23552 Apr 27 2006 Documents/ Example.doc

$ ls  -li Documents/Example.doc/..namedfork/rsrc
108 -rw-r--r-- 1 aburgh aburgh 286 Apr 27 2006 Documents/ Example.doc/..namedfork/rsrc

Notice that the "inode" is the same (the Catalog Node ID on HFS+), but size reflects the different forks. You can use this technique from any program that lets you specify a path, such as command line utilities, and you can even read and write the contents of the forks this way. This is documented in the Mac OS X system documentation.

In your case, you would need to construct the path and use NSFileManager's fileAttributesAtPath to get the attributes for the resource fork.


On Apr 26, 2008, at 9:50 PM, Cocoa Dev wrote:


I was wondering what was the best way to calucate folder size with cocoa? I
was able to do this but it does not include resource forks:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main() {

NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

NSString *path = [@"/Folder" stringByExpandingTildeInPath];

NSDirectoryEnumerator *e = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] enumeratorAtPath

NSString *file;

unsigned long long totalSize = 0;

while ((file = [e nextObject])) {

NSDictionary *attributes = [e fileAttributes];

NSNumber *fileSize = [attributes objectForKey:NSFileSize];

totalSize += [fileSize longLongValue];


printf("Total size: %lld\n", totalSize);

[pool release];


or from the example in documentation

- (IBAction)calculateSize:(id)sender { NSFileManager *fileManager =
[NSFileManager defaultManager]; NSString *path = @"/Folder"; NSDictionary *fileAttributes = [fileManager fileAttributesAtPath:path traverseLink:YES];
if (fileAttributes != nil) { NSNumber *fileSize; if (fileSize =
[fileAttributes objectForKey:NSFileSize]) { NSLog(@"File size: %qi\n",
[fileSize unsignedLongLongValue]); [label setIntValue:[fileSize
unsignedLongLongValue]]; } }

But I was unsure on how to traverse the entire file tree within that
directory, and give the same size results as the finder.



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