On May 21, 2008, at 12:01 AM, j o a r wrote:

On May 20, 2008, at 9:52 PM, Peter Duniho wrote:

The goal is not for every language to mimic C++/C#/Java.

I never said that was the goal.

Different languages serves different purposes and there is no single best language.

I agree.  So?

[...] I think that Objective C finds a pragmatic sweet spot between the performance and interoperability of C, and the dynamism and rapid development qualities of scripting languages.

I have already acknowledged that opinions vary. You, being among the regular contributors to this mailing list, I fully expect to "think that Objective-C find a pragmatic sweet spot". Anything else would surprise me.

[...] Let's agree to re-visit this discussion one to two years from now. I don't think that it's fair of us to expect you to provide an informed comparison before you have more experiences with both environments.

You are simply proving my point.

You reject my impressions simply because I have less experience with the language. You fail to have any sympathy whatsoever for my personal experience, and tell me that I will change my mind after using Cocoa for two more years.

The fact is, whether my opinions will change, first impressions matter. And frankly, I didn't need three years (the year I've already had, plus your two more years) to know that I liked other languages that I've enjoyed over the years. I have absolutely no reason to think that there's any validity in your assertion that after three years of using Cocoa, I will have all my doubts removed.

This is exactly the kind of anti-welcome that I and others have described before. I'm sorry that we simply do not appear to be able to get the point across. But the fact is, the very act of your rejection of our assertions prove those assertions.

And again: it's not that I'm on a crusade to have Objective-C changed, or to have Cocoa made fully accessible via some other language. I just want people to have some empathy for what at least some of us go through upon encountering the one official Mac development environment. Stop telling us that our reactions aren't valid; for better or worse, these are our reactions and we can no more control them than you can stop breathing. They are ours and like it or not, they matter.


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