On May 21, 2008, at 12:27 PM, Sherm Pendley wrote:

On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 1:30 PM, Peter Duniho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My _main_ objection is how newcomers to Mac development are treated. Please, when someone new to the current Mac development environment brings up one or more of these points, don't say "well, you're too inexperienced to see why [Obj-C|Cocoa|the documentation|the tools] is/are so great".

Why not?

Because it's not an appropriate answer.

When the question is along the lines of "why isn't this exactly like C++/Java/Whatever," and the person asking it is a newbie, then the answer probably really is a subtle design decision that's beyond the newbie's current experience level.

I disagree in several respects. First, you're assuming a question. That's not always the question being asked. Second, it's a fair question. Inasmuch as there is an answer, provide the answer rather than belittling the questioner. Third, making assumptions about what the questioner can understand is offensive. I have taught C++, C#, and Java concepts to people who have little to no OOP experience at all. Presented properly, there is no problem. When they ask "why is this beneficial to me?" or "why should I bother to learn this?", I don't tell them "well, just do as I say and in a couple of years you'll understand". I answer the question. More often than not, they understand completely.

Don't say "you're riff-raff, it's supposed to be hard, we _like_ that it's keeping you out".

No one has.

Of course they have.  I don't see any other way to read this message:

Shortly after, another poster replied for the sole purpose of agreeing with the sentiment:

It's true, the phrase "riff-raff" wasn't actually used. But it's the essence of what was written.

IMHO, you're being *way* too defensive here, and reading far more between the lines than the people you're talking to have been putting there.

I'm not reading between the lines. People are explicitly stating the opinions I've described.

Don't say "you must not have read the conceptual guides, otherwise all this would be clear". Or any of the other condescending, presumptuous things that I've seen said on a semi-regular basis.

When someone is *demonstrating* that they haven't put any real effort into doing their own research, it's not a presumption.

I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about people like me who _have_ read all of the conceptual guides and who still run into problems.

When someone asks questions that *are* clearly answered in the available docs, it's neither condescending nor presumptuous to point them to said docs. In fact, it'd be a disservice to them to offer my own half-baked summary of the docs, rather than point to the authoritative source.

I'm not talking about "questions that *are* clearly answered in the available docs". That's the whole point. And I'm not talking about replies that simply refer to the documentation.

Just because _you_ think the answers are clearly answered in the available docs, that doesn't mean that they actually are, nor does it mean that you have any excuse for doing anything more than just referencing the docs.

Instead, say something like "your complaint is a common one, you aren't alone, and [most importantly] it's legitimate to have these concerns", acknowledging that even if someone's concern is somewhat irrelevant (being regarding a fundamental design aspect of the language or framework, for example), it does color their perception and affect how they approach the development environment.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't disagree more strongly. This is a technical forum, and such places are long on technical detail and very, very short on warm fuzzies.

But you're wrong. The replies I'm talking about are NOT "long on technical detail". They are smug and condescending, and at the same time fail to answer the question that was asked.

If people were only sticking to the technical details, your statement would make sense. But the moment that people start ascribing to someone else motivations or failures or anything else that is not based on a solid technical fact, they have opened the door to complaints about how a person is treated.

If you want to know the technical reasons for specific design decisions, you can find that out by asking here. If you want to have your feelings validated, you'd be better off asking Dr. Phil.

If all people were doing was answering technical questions technically, that would be fine. But they aren't.

This, I think, may be at or close to the root of your difficulties here. You're interpreting the highly-technical and somewhat emotionally cold atmosphere as hostile, and responding to that perceived hostility. But the people you're talking to are not being purposefully hostile to you, or to any other newbie, and your continuous insistence that we must be doing so is getting in the way of communication.

No. YOUR insistent that people are not doing so is simply consistent that the community engages in this behavior without being able to comprehend that they are doing so. I'm quite familiar with the problem of factual, to-the-point answers being interpreted as being abrasive, being guilty of those kinds of answers myself. That is not what I'm talking about.

This list is about finding help with solving your programming problems, not about helping you deal with your feelings.

Then don't say things that don't have anything to do with solving my programming problems. None of the things that I listed as things the community shouldn't say are things that could be considered technical, factual conversation. If you truly believe that only technical, factual conversation ever occurs here, then you have nothing to say except "no problem! we never do that anyway!"

Conversely, if you see a need to pick apart my motivations and perceptions, then you are not replying in a technical, factual way and are thereby disproving the very claim you are trying to make. Actions speak far louder than words.

In all honesty, I think that expecting emotional validation from a technical mailing list isn't terribly realistic. If that kind of thing is what you need, you'd be better off adopting a puppy.

I very much appreciate you closing with that paragraph. You have very effectively proven exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about.


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