On 2/10/17, 9:19 AM, "Keary Suska"
<cocoa-dev-bounces+cocoadev=xericdesign....@lists.apple.com on behalf of
cocoa-...@esoteritech.com> wrote:

>> On Feb 10, 2017, at 9:12 AM, Trygve Inda <cocoa...@xericdesign.com>
>> When I close an NSDocument, it puts up a sheet offering (Don¹t Save,
>> Cancel, Save).
>> Is there a way to intercept this? I would like to disable the Save
>> for a demo version of our app. I could mark the document as having no
>> changes, but then it would just close directly and not allow a cancel
>> operation.
>> I can easily disable the menu Save/Save As but clicking the Save button
>> the close-sheet window jumps right into the file writing methods in my
>> NSDocument subclass.
>> Thanks for any ideas.
>I would start by overriding -saveDocument: and -saveDocumentAs: in your
>NSDocument subclass with a breakpoint so I can see what is being done. I
>might also start by subclassing
>to see if that is the method used in these cases. Then there are also
>autosave issues if you intend to support autosave in your app...

Yup - I have overridden -saveDocument: and -saveDocumentAs:

They are called from the File-Save and File-Save As points, but not from
clicking Save in the “document is about to close” dialog. I am not
supporting Autosave as I am dealing with very large files.



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