This is the last bit of post-mortem from our failure with Cocoa. Thanks for
the patience of everyone who just wants to give or get tech answers here.

I was originally going to post about how modern C++ has far surpassed
Objective-C. Then suggest that Cocoa would work better if Obj-C were a
superset of C++ rather than plain C.  Objective-C++ all the way down, not
just in source files.  That would make cross-platform integration much
easier, and solve many of the problems we had.

However, after consideration, it seems obvious that Apple will never do
that. Instead, Objective-C and Cocoa will be deprecated soon, replaced by
Swift and SwiftUI. That way there is just one shiny new closed system for
all Apple hardware. So much simpler.

Maybe I'm wrong, but we have experienced enough past pivots and
bridge-burnings that another seems overdue.

Casey McDermott

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