Am Di,12.08.2008 um 04:51 schrieb Peter N Lewis:

At 4:48 PM -0400 11/8/08, Kyle Sluder wrote:
On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 3:12 PM, Sean DeNigris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi, how do I handle memory management for todoUid below? Do I have to
retain or autorelease it?


       // Get uid to return
       NSString* todoUid = [newTodo uid];


       return todoUid;

You've gotten todoUid from a method that is not +alloc and does not
begin with +new or contain -copy, so you do not own it. Therefore you
must -retain it if you want to hold on to it beyond "now".  Since you
don't, just let it go, it's not your responsibility.

That's it.  Done.

I'm no Cocoa expert, but I think you're wrong on this, you've missed out a crucial line:

At 3:12 PM -0400 11/8/08, Sean DeNigris wrote:
        // Get uid to return
        NSString* todoUid = [newTodo uid];

        // Clean up
        [newTodo release];
        newTodo = nil;

        return todoUid;

[newTodo release] is not [newTodo autorelease]. So it may immediately call dealloc and dealloc the uid returned by by [newTodo uid]. To avoid this, you could do:

NSString* todoUid = [[[newTodo uid] retain] autorelease];

It is quite possible that [newTodo uid] does exactly the above, but it might just return the internal ivar. If this is not true, I would very much like to be corrected!

Advice on this list that I think is good advice is to always use autorelease unless there is really good reason not to
YES! Many, many of memory managemt problems are solved with this technique. BTW: You can do the same inside a getter to get rid of thread problems.

(eg, with a large number of objects in a loop).
A -retain (+alloc, +new) release pair is no solution even in that situation, because nobody knows, whether the newly allocated object uses -autorelease itself. So with an immediate -release you get rid of the "top level" instances, but not of the related ones.

for( … ) // 10.000.000 times
id instance = [[Instance alloc] init]; // allocates 10 helper instances, autoreleased
   // Do something
   [instance release]; // helpers are still alive!

The only working solution is to drain a new ARP inside the loop.


Then you would solve your problem like this:

- (NSString*) saveToiCalTodo: (NSString*) theSummary : (id) theDescription
        // Create new iCal todo
iCalTodo* newTodo = [[[[iCal classForScriptingClass:@"todo"] alloc] init] autorelease];

        // Add the todo to my iCal calendar
        [[myCalendar todos] addObject:newTodo];

        // Set its summary
        [newTodo setSummary:theSummary];

        // Store description
        [newTodo setObjectDescription: theDescription];

        // Get uid to return
        NSString* todoUid = [newTodo uid];

        return todoUid;

By using autorelease when you alloc the object, you avoid a bunch of possible bugs and simplify your code.


* if you return early for any reason, newTodo wont leak
* todoUid remains valid at least until newTodo is released by the autorelease pool * Your code has less memory management routines cluttering it up and so is clearer and more appropriate for GC.

But as I say, I'm no Cocoa expert, so I could be wrong.


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