On Aug 11, 2008, at 10:51 PM, Peter N Lewis wrote:

I'm no Cocoa expert, but I think you're wrong on this, you've missed out a crucial line:

At 3:12 PM -0400 11/8/08, Sean DeNigris wrote:
        // Get uid to return
        NSString* todoUid = [newTodo uid];

        // Clean up
        [newTodo release];
        newTodo = nil;

        return todoUid;

[newTodo release] is not [newTodo autorelease]. So it may immediately call dealloc and dealloc the uid returned by by [newTodo uid]. To avoid this, you could do:

Not really.  This line:

        // Add the todo to my iCal calendar
        [[myCalendar todos] addObject:newTodo];

would appear to add newTodo to an NSMutableArray, which implicitly retains it. So this method retains newTodo twice but releases it once. As a result the todoUid string won't be released, as you fear, upon sending release to newTodo.

NSString* todoUid = [[[newTodo uid] retain] autorelease];

It is quite possible that [newTodo uid] does exactly the above, but it might just return the internal ivar. If this is not true, I would very much like to be corrected!

Advice on this list that I think is good advice is to always use autorelease unless there is really good reason not to (eg, with a large number of objects in a loop).

One can think of two kinds of objects that end up in the autorelease pools. Temporary objects that will be autoreleased in one autorelease cycle and other objects that will remain in the autorelease pool indefinitely because their purpose demands persistence. In the name of efficiency one might prefer that objects in this second group not be put in autorelease pools since their memory management can be more precisely controlled with alloc/init and release. Placing them in an autorelease pool will incur some overhead in memory and cpu time each time that the pool tries to drain. The pattern for this second kind of object is exactly what the OP used in his code. alloc/init followed by a retain (usually implicit in addObject: or addSubview:) followed by release. Usually the release is the next line after the addObject:, not at the end of the method as the OP used.

You can count this as 'a really good reason' or not but IMO the OP has no reason to autorelease the object as you suggest.

Brian Stern


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