How do I have an int as a value in a NSMutableDictionary object?

for example:

NSMutableDictionary *myDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary alloc];

int i = 1;

[myDictionary setValue:1 forKey:@"One"];

This causes a compiler warning:

"warning: passing argument 1 of 'setValue:forKey:' makes pointer from integer 
without a cast"

It seems like (b/c the type is "id" for the first param) that 
NSMutableDictionary wants a pointer.  Well, how do I give it just a plain 
integer copy without having the compiler yell at me?  I have been banging my 
head on my desk over this silly little thing.

Also, how do I define a non-mutable dictionary of a particular size?  There is 
no dictionaryWithCapacity function that I can find in the non-mutable version.  
All the examples I can find are not practical (i.e. hardcoding a dictionary at 
its creation with random values like @"One", @"Two", etc.).


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