Thanks for the reply Peter.

Just for the archives, my subclassed NSPopUpButton wasn't showing up
because, like you said, it was being treated differently and I was
initializing it with NSZeroRect.  Giving it a starting size and
sending it sizeToFit in templateViews got it on screen.


On Fri, Aug 29, 2008 at 4:17 PM, Peter Ammon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Aug 29, 2008, at 8:51 AM, Jim Turner wrote:
>> Hi List,
>> I noticed something today while building a new popup-popup-popup
>> template: when the user changes the comparator (a simple is/is not in
>> my case), the third popup resets itself to the default value instead
>> of maintaining the selection the user had already chosen.  The same is
>> true if the third view in my template is a text field.  If they enter
>> text, then change the value from "contains" to "begins with", the text
>> they've entered is removed.
> Hi Jim,
> This is a known issue and I don't think there's a workaround yet, sorry.
>> I understand that templates are copied like mad behind the scenes of
>> the editor and that popups are treated differently, but I'm not sure
>> how I go about fixing this.  I tried subclassing NSPopUpButton to see
>> what is passed for setObjectValue but the editor doesn't seem to like
>> a subclassed NSPopUpButton.  Instead, it ignores it and displays
>> nothing.  Very strange.
> If you subclass NSPopUpButton, NSPredicateEditor assumes it has special
> behavior and you want it to be treated like other views.  It's only
> instances of NSPopUpButton themselves that get the different treatment of
> being merged together to build the tree of options.
> -Peter

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