Hi guys, I'm finding myself trying to add to mutable containers like
NSMutableDictionary or NSMutableArray instead of NSObjects subclasses,
just structs. For instance in a NSMutableDictionary the key was an
integer defined with #define. In this case I sort it with:

... forKey:[[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:BAND_RED]];

Not a really elegant solution but I can understand that those
containers require pointers.

Now I need to create a NSMutableArray of CGPoint, how can I make it
became a pointer?

... addObject:CGPointMake(x,y)];

returns indeed "error: incopatible type for argument 1 of 'addObject:'

Is there a more elegant way to use structs as key or as mutable
container's items?

Thanks a lot, chr

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