On 9/16/08 8:24 PM, Graham Cox said:

>CGPoints and NSPoints have the same structure so you can
>cast one to t'other.

You shouldn't really.  You should use NSPointFromCGPoint/
NSPointToCGPoint.  Their implementation is in NSGeometry.h and is not a
simple cast.

NSPoint and CGPoint may be the same now, but they may not always be.
(Consider that NSAffineTransformStruct and vImage_AffineTransform were
the same, but the former changed from float to CGFloat and the latter
stayed float, even in 64 bit.)

Also, they are separate structs to the compiler, so it is free (though
unlikely) to align and pack them differently.

Sean McBride, B. Eng                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rogue Research                        www.rogue-research.com
Mac Software Developer              Montréal, Québec, Canada


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