Something similar to what you're asking was discussed on this list last week. To get you started:

[window setOpaque:NO];
[window setBackgroundColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:1.0 alpha:0.5]];

On Feb 9, 2009, at 1:55 PM, Christian Graus wrote:

I have a window with an image showing on it. Above this I have a window, which contains an IKImageView derived class. The IKImageView has a PNG in it, which has a transparency layer. What I need to do, is to make that image appear above the image I have in my main window, that is, the control needs to be transparent, so that one picture appears above another. I've found a sample that sets the window alpha, but that fades the whole window,
I just want to make the background transparent.  I'd appreciate any

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