Thank you for the suggestions. It turns out that I went the second way, and it works just fine (to tell you the truth, I was a bit apprehensive at getting into drawing, but it wasn't as difficult as I had suspected - the -frameOfCellAtColumn:row: really made everything not too bad at all). Here is my code, added to the NSTableView subclass, just in case someone else runs into this issue. "slp" is just an NSArray of 3 integers which represent the beginning row, the ending row, and the depth (how far indented) each of the lines should be. If a line isn't meant to have an end, end=0, and then the line is drawn in blue as opposed to steel.

        // Draw the table first, by calling drawRect from the superclass
        [super drawRect:rect];

        // Do nothing if no slp's
        NSArray *slp = [mydoc slp];
        NSUInteger slpCount = [slp count];
        if (slpCount == 0) return;
NSColor *blueish = [NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:0.0 green:.5 blue:1.0 alpha:.75]; // Some sort of blue NSColor *steelish = [NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:.5797 green:.5797 blue:.5797 alpha:.75]; // Some sort of steel
        BOOL endToLine;
        for (NSUInteger i=0; i<slpCount; i++)
                NSBezierPath *thePath = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];
                [thePath setLineWidth:2.0];

                // Find starting point for line
                NSUInteger beginAtRow = [[slp objectAtIndex:i] begin];
                NSUInteger endAtRow = [[slp objectAtIndex:i] end];
                NSUInteger depth = [[slp objectAtIndex:i] depth];
                // If endAtRow is zero, run the line to the bottom of the table
                if (endAtRow == 0)
                        endAtRow = [datasource rowCount]-1;
                        // Set pen colour to blueish
                        [blueish set];
                        // Flag no end to line
                        endToLine = NO;
                        // Set pen colour to steelish
                        [steelish set];
                        // Flag endToLine
                        endToLine = YES;
NSRect beginAtRowRect = [self frameOfCellAtColumn:[self columnWithIdentifier:@"F"] row:beginAtRow]; NSRect endAtRowRect = [self frameOfCellAtColumn:[self columnWithIdentifier:@"F"] row:endAtRow];

                NSPoint beginPoint, endPoint;
beginPoint.y = beginAtRowRect.origin.y + beginAtRowRect.size.height/ 2.0;
                beginPoint.x = beginAtRowRect.origin.x + depth*7.0;
                endPoint.y = endAtRowRect.origin.y + 
                endPoint.x = endAtRowRect.origin.x + depth*7.0;

                [thePath setLineCapStyle:NSSquareLineCapStyle];
                [thePath setLineJoinStyle:NSRoundLineJoinStyle];
                // Move to starting location, and draw the line
                [thePath moveToPoint:(NSMakePoint(beginPoint.x+5, 
                [thePath lineToPoint:beginPoint];
                [thePath lineToPoint:endPoint];
if (endToLine) [thePath lineToPoint:(NSMakePoint(endPoint.x+5, endPoint.y))];
                [thePath stroke];


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