Le 7 oct. 2009 à 06:42, Kyle Sluder a écrit :

Please read the 10.6 Foundation release notes, particularly the
section entitled "Formal protocol adoption":

We compile dual-mode code using the following:

@interface Subclass : Superclass

In the case of conformance to multiple protocols, some of which are
unavailable pre-10.6, we use this:

@interface Subclass : Superclass <Protocol1

It's a mess, but it works, and the benefit of static type checking far
outweighs the cost.  (And it also motivates you to drop 10.5 support.

--Kyle Sluder

That's the way to go, but MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 is not defined on 10.5 SDK.

So you have to add another couple of line at the top of the file (or in a prefix header):

#ifndef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6
#define MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 1060

-- Jean-Daniel


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