I upgraded to 10.6 midway through a project and bugs appeared where there
was none previously.

I am now seeing the error "Failed to call designated initialiser on
NSManagedObject class '' " when I created an object on the MOC or when I
fetch an object for editing. Step by step debugging showed that what seems
to generate the error is when I display the screen that allows the user to
interact with the data and not when I interact with the MOC in any way. This
is code that worked just fine under 10.5.

Second bug is when I try to add a property to an entity.

I tried to add a property of type NSNumber to an entity that inherits from
an abstract entity. Both had been created and work perfectly under 10.5. I
added the property, synthesized it, added the UI code and bindings. Data
communication from the model to the screen works because I can see the
default value appear when I load the window. Values are also being passed
from the screen to the model because if I do an NSLog(@"%@", model); I can
see the correct values.

The problem happens when Core Data tries to save the new entity. If I change
the default value I always get the error -[NSCFString stringValue]:
unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xe909d70. I am not calling
stringValue on this property.

Any ideas to what might cause this?

Best regards,
Rui Pacheco

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