Hi all. I'm getting a crash in auto_zone_root_write_barrier() that I don't understand. I suspect it has to do with this little blurb in the Garbage Collection Programming Guide:

Limitations on Mac OS X v10.5: You may pass addresses of strong globals or statics into routines expecting pointers to object pointers (such as id* or NSError**) only if they have first been assigned to directly, rather than through a pointer dereference. You should never take the address of a weak global, static or instance variable, as assigning or reading through that pointer will bypass the weak barriers and expose your programs
to race conditions.

But I'm not really sure. :-> Here's the situation. My app generates floods of instances of an NSObject subclass called AKIndividual. So many, in fact, that I don't want to alloc and dealloc them all, as that just thrashes the allocator madly (as verified with Sampler). Instead, I want to allocate a pool of them, and then throw them in the pool when I'm done with them, and get new ones out of the pool. (When I reuse them, I don't call -init again, I just wipe the ivars I'm using and put new values in, which I believe is OK.) When I'm messing about with them, and when they're in the pool, I don't want to keep them in Cocoa collections like NSMutableArray, because again that introduces too much overhead. Countless billions upon billions of these little guys I'm making, and the runtimes of my app will be measured in days to weeks, so optimizing this bottleneck really is important.

So my solution was to keep pointers to them in malloced buffers instead. The "unused pool" is a malloced buffer, the pools of ones that are doing various things are also malloced buffers, and everything is nice fast C code at this level. But I guess pointers to objects kept in malloced buffers are weak references, so my objects would be collected if I didn't have a strong reference somewhere. So when I first allocate them, I throw them into an NSMutableArray, and I don't ever take them out. That array is kept by the controller of the whole shebang; so when that controller gets collected, then all the individuals will be collected, but until then, they should always be strong-referenced.

This seems like it ought to work; and yet I get that crash in auto_zone_root_write_barrier(). After some puzzling, I found the above paragraph in the GC guide. I am indeed on 10.5. Is this what's biting me? I guess all the pointers to my AKIndividuals that are kept in my malloced arrays are all weak references, and so I guess the pointer to the malloced array itself, for example, is a pointer to a weak reference such as I am not supposed to use, and whenever I do something like "individuals[i]" to get an instance from my malloced buffer I guess I'm violating the weak barriers. I find it hard to believe that I'm not allowed to keep an array of pointers to objects, though; is that really what this blurb is saying? (On the other hand, the GC guide also says that "the malloc zone is never scanned", which would imply that this is fine, and that the references I put in my malloced arrays are not even weak; but then I'm puzzled by the crash in a write barrier function...) I don't really understand what is prohibited and exactly why; that blurb is way too short, and the example is too short and cryptic. Can some explain what is actually prohibited, and why, and whether what I'm doing is prohibited?

Given the architecture I'm aiming for, I don't need the references to even be weak references; I don't need them to zero out, because they never will, because these AKIndividuals live at least as long as any given malloced array of them will live. Indeed, I don't care about GC on them at all; I'd be quite happy to exclude them from the GC scheme altogether, and get back the overhead of these read/write barriers, given how much thrash is involved with them. Is that possible? For example, can I malloc the instances of AKIndividual myself out of the malloc zone to exclude them from GC, or is that a Bad Idea?

  Sorry for the long email.  Comments?

Ben Haller
Stick Software


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