That is simply not true. That code is perfectly well defined.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 15, 2009, at 17:10, Oftenwrong Soong <> wrote:

Hi Ben,

You say the crash occurs in this line:

   individuals[individualCount++] = individualsForPop[i];

The problem may be in the post-increment (individualCount++). IIRC, there is no agreed-upon compiler standard as to whether the post- increment will occur before or after the assignment. It is possible that you're using the bytes after the end of the array as a pointer, which points to a random location rather than to your desired data. If you want the increment to happen after the assignment, do this:

   for (i = 0; i < individualCountForPop; ++i) {
       individuals[individualCount] = individualsForPop[i];

If you want it before, just reverse the order of the two lines.

I've had many a headache in the past with things like this!!


----- Original Message ----
From: Ben Haller <>
To: Greg Parker <>
Cc: Cocoa List <>
Sent: Thu, October 15, 2009 4:44:23 PM
Subject: Re: GC crash due to being naughty

On 15-Oct-09, at 7:30 PM, Greg Parker wrote:

A pointer value stored in an ordinary malloc block is neither a "strong" nor a "weak" reference. It is a dangling pointer. It can be used safely, but requires great care because the garbage collector has no knowledge of what you're doing.

The auto_zone_root_write_barrier() crash can occur when you take the address of a global variable, then store into the global indirectly via that address. What does the crashed line of code look like?

 OK, here's a bit of context.  The backtrace:

#0  0x95058d7b in auto_zone_root_write_barrier ()
#1  0x964e40a8 in objc_assign_strongCast_gc ()
#2 0x00007198 in -[AKPopulation addIndividualsFromPopulation:] (self=0x102b740, _cmd=0xe76c, population=0x10a9250) at .../ AKPopulation.m:101

 That method:

- (void)addIndividualsFromPopulation:(AKPopulation *)population
   UInt32 individualCountForPop = [population individualCount];
   AKIndividual **individualsForPop = [population individuals];
   int i;

   if (individualCount + individualCountForPop > individualCapacity)
individualCapacity = (individualCount + individualCountForPop) * 2;

individuals = realloc(individuals, individualCapacity * sizeof (AKIndividual *));

   for (i = 0; i < individualCountForPop; ++i)
       individuals[individualCount++] = individualsForPop[i];

 The crash is in the last line of the method, in the assignment.
 The class as it stands right now:

@interface AKPopulation : NSObject
   NSString *title;

   UInt32 individualCount;
   UInt32 individualCapacity;
AKIndividual **individuals; // malloc'ed array of AKIndividual *

@property (readwrite, copy) NSString *title;
@property (readonly) UInt32 individualCount;
@property (readonly) AKIndividual **individuals;


So the intent of the method is just to bulk-add individuals from one population into another population.

Perhaps another way to ask the question is: suppose you wanted to implement a new collection class, akin to NSMutableArray but somehow different. How would you safely do it under GC, without using any of the pre-made Cocoa collections internally? That's all my AKPopulation really is: a poor man's (but a speedy man's!) re- implementation of something like NSMutableArray. Ought to be possible, right? So how do I manage this write barrier business to make it work properly?

Ben Haller
Stick Software


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