On 15-Oct-09, at 8:26 PM, Greg Parker wrote:

I don't see any global pointer variables involved. My guess is that `individuals` is uninitialized or NULL or `individuals[individualCount]` is out of bounds. The write barrier objc_assign_strongCast() does range checks on the destination address, and will fall back to auto_zone_root_write_barrier() for addresses it doesn't recognize. Those include malloc blocks, global variables, and bogus addresses.

Perhaps another way to ask the question is: suppose you wanted to implement a new collection class, akin to NSMutableArray but somehow different. How would you safely do it under GC, without using any of the pre-made Cocoa collections internally? That's all my AKPopulation really is: a poor man's (but a speedy man's!) re- implementation of something like NSMutableArray. Ought to be possible, right? So how do I manage this write barrier business to make it work properly?

You need to ensure two things when implementing storage for GC pointers. First, the storage must be scanned by the garbage collector. Second, writes to the storage must use an appropriate write barrier function...

This all makes sense to me, to the extent that I understand write barriers at all. :->

I switched my code over to NSAllocateCollectable with NSScannedOption, and it still crashed.

This led me to generate a new hypothesis: that I am an idiot. I have now proven that hypothesis to my full satisfaction. I will not be telling the list what the error was that caused my code to crash. Let's just say I'm very out of practice at this whole coding thing, and leave it at that. :->

Still, this thread was quite useful in that it did solidify my understanding of weak/strong/dangling, and led me to switch my collection class over to strong references. That's progress. Thanks to everybody for their help!

Ben Haller
Stick Software


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