On Jun 3, 2011, at 10:16 AM, Nathan Sims wrote:

> How would I go about drawing a terminus at the end of a path? I'm drawing a 
> path in an overlay to a MKMapView, but I would like to somehow designate the 
> end point of the path to differentiate it from the rest of the path.
>        CGContextAddPath(context,path);
>        CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f,0.5f);
>        CGContextSetLineJoin(context,kCGLineJoinRound);
>        CGContextSetLineCap(context,kCGLineCapRound);
>        CGContextSetLineWidth(context,lineWidth);
>        CGContextSetShadow(context,offset_size,0.0);
>        CGContextStrokePath(context);
>        CGPathRelease(path);
> Is there some kind of CGHighlightEndPointOfPath() call or its equivalent?

A path is strictly a geometric construct and has no stylistic attributes 
attached to it, as such there isn't a way to do what you are trying to 
accomplish with a single path. Instead I would recommend you use another 
MKOverlay to designate the end of the path.
David Duncan


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