
Question for the cocoa experts here.  I've googled around to no avail and 
lists.apple.com has been down for days(!).    As ya'll know, when an app loads 
multiple bundles, the loader loads all the objC class name identifiers into a 
flat namespace, so ya can get that warning "Class ___ is implemented in both 
foo.bundle and bar.bundle. One of the two will be used. Which one is 
undefined."  This issue shows up a lot, especially to us third party developers 
that have common objC utility/support classes that appear in multiple 
bundle-based products.

So the question of course is there any way to mark an entire objC class as 
being private (non-exported) to a bundle?  I'm half shocked and half amazed 
that there seems to be no such way, in contrast to the compiler setting that 
C/C++ symbols can be set to be private by default. I feel like a radar really 
should be filed on this, or am I grossly missing something?  That is, how can 
it be a good idea when things like the the OS X screensaver subsystem (or any 
app that uses 3rd party bundles) will inevitably have problems when two 
independent developers have two classes with the same name.   And if you 
discount that case, then perhaps our case is more relevant, where as a third 
party that does author multiple bundles that are often plugins that get loaded 
side by side, causing this issue to surface.

Yes, I know that one workaround is to mangle all objC class names based on 
something unique in the project (we are forced to do this with our screensaver 
products).  I'd be more accepting of this if Xcode facilitated this (with 
perhaps a macro of or the introduction of @privateinterface or something), but 
I don't fancy the idea of having to stick nasty and limiting #includes, 
#defines, or #ifdefs all over our code to make sure stuff compiles and links 
correctly just to workaround the fact that objC seems like it should really 
allow classes to not be exported by default into a single/shared namespace.

I suppose if there's no solution to this, then someone is going to describe how 
it can't be done because it would somehow break the loading of bundles.  Well 
if that's the case, then I'm thinking that a radar is still worth filing 
because I'd be pretty surprised if the senior engineering level is going to 
agree that this whole flat objC namespace business is consistent with the 
precept that software should 'just work', rather than 'usually work' and emit 
user-attention-getting log messages as long as two internally private class 
names don't happen to have the same name.



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