On Oct 25, 2012, at 11:59 AM, Erik Stainsby <erik.stain...@roaringsky.ca> wrote:

> I have a window which contains half a dozen text fields and three table 
> views. I'd like to be able to use a single key-combo to trigger an insert 
> into the current table. To make this work I need to be able to recognize each 
> tableView distinctly, obviously. I also need to recognize if the current 
> focus is not within one of the tables, which case I will handle differently.

Call NSWindow.firstResponder to find which view has focus. (Although be 
careful, as the first responder may not be an NSView; for instance, it could be 
the NSWindow itself if no view has focus.) Then walk up the view hierarchy 
until you find a view you’re interested in.

If a text field has focus, though, you’ll find the firstResponder is actually 
an NSTextView which is the window’s shared fieldEditor. In that case, the 
delegate of that view will be the actual NSTextField that is considered to have 


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