The user is still able to control things like fading with a MIDI/OSC controller 
- they definitely do not do that with mouse. But there are things which only 
controllable with the UI, deleting layers for example. And there are some 
circumstances - for example, loading a whole project, where the app's state 
just reseted before displaying the open panel, and the loading process presume 
everything is clear when iterating thru the load data, so it could would be bad 
if the app's "clear state" can change when an open panel is opened. 

On Dec 17, 2012, at 10:29 AM, Tom Davie <> wrote:

> On 17 Dec 2012, at 09:26, Tamas Nagy <> wrote:
>> I really appreciate your continuous curiosity guys, but we just getting 
>> off-topic :)
>> BTW, its a realtime graphics application, where UI events should not 
>> blocking rendering. Think about a concert where some videos projected behind 
>> the band, it would be bad if opening the next video - putting it into some 
>> kind of queue - blocks the rendering/displaying the current video. 
> You're right, it would be bad… Surely that's a good reason why it would be 
> bad that the user of such an app couldn't go "oh crap, I forgot to start that 
> fade", and start it, with the open panel for the next video open?
> Thanks
> Tom Davie


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