On 17 Dec 2012, at 09:42, Tamas Nagy <tamas.lov.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The user is still able to control things like fading with a MIDI/OSC 
> controller - they definitely do not do that with mouse. But there are things 
> which only controllable with the UI, deleting layers for example. And there 
> are some circumstances - for example, loading a whole project, where the 
> app's state just reseted before displaying the open panel, and the loading 
> process presume everything is clear when iterating thru the load data, so it 
> could would be bad if the app's "clear state" can change when an open panel 
> is opened. 

Wouldn't the correct thing in this state be to create a new project window 
associated with the project document, and then fire of an open sheet for that 
window so that it's only modal for the window?


Tom Davie

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